🎓 Big Congratulations to Jacob Michaud-Dorko on Defending his Dissertation! 🎓

This Monday, he culminated years of hard work, resilience, and dedication. The countless hours of running experiments, analyzing data, reading, writing, revising (and re-revising!) have paid off. The insights from his work will not only push the boundaries of our understanding of #voice_mechanisms but also open doors for future researchers to build upon. Jake’s dissertation "Analysis of Fluid-Structure and Acoustic Interactions in Various Vocal Fold Models" isn’t just a piece of academic research—it's a reflection of passion, curiosity, and personal growth throughout his journey. It has been a personal joy to see his transformation as a scholar and an individual, sharpening his skills and embracing the ups and downs with grit and grace. We wish him the very best in his next chapter with GE Aerospace. 👏👏 Well done Dr. Michaud-Dorko 🎉